Saturday’s highlights

Bobbie Beese, left, and Betsy Mott are seen in their store on Tuesday at the Corner Door Fountain and Books in Spokane Valley. SR photo/Tyler Tjomsland
We have another cloudy Monday morning out there, but we also have another batch of Saturday Valley Voice stories as well. Reporter Lisa Leinberger has a story on Corner Door Fountain and Books in Millwood that is owned by three siblings. The store has an eclectic mix of art, books, gifts and more.
The Spokane Valley Business Association met last week an heard a presentation on a planned city project to add stormwater swales to Sprague Avenue between Park and Thierman Roads. Some business owners are concerned about street trees blocking their signs while others are pleased to see some green come into the neighborhood.
The Spokane County Hearing Examiner recently ruled that Liberty Lake homeowner Lloyd Herman can keep most of the improvements he made to his lakeshore property without the proper permits, but he must shrink the size of a cabana/beach house that he built. Stairs and bulkheads will be allowed to stay because they held stabilize the slope, the hearing examiner wrote.