Saturday’s highlights

During auditions for “I Hate Hamlet,” fight coordinator Brian Rempel, left, and Ignite! Community Theatre’s artistic director, Scott Finlayson cross swords, while Richard Donnelly waits to audition for the role of John Barrymore. “I Hate Hamlet” opens April 12. SR photo/Colin Mulvany
I'm bringing everyone the highlights from Saturday's Valley Voice a day late this week. I took yesterday off to spend a little quality time with my comfy recliner and my lap cat.
The city of Spokane Valley hosted a public meeting last week to talk about a proposed stormwater project planned for this summer in the Valleyview neighborhood. There has been problems with runoff on the west side of Dickey Road washing out some areas and flooding a street. The city plans to install underground piping to take the runoff down the street to a swale it will built on land it owns on 11th Avenue.
Correspondent Jill Barville wrote a story on the new home of Ignite! Community Theatre. The group is now putting on performances in the Spokane Valley Partners building. Correspondent Valerie Putnam reports that the city of Millwood is on solid financial footing thanks to increases in water rates and not spending as much as budgeted in some areas.
Reporter Nicole Hensley reports that the Central Valley School District is looking as new textbooks for history, civics, psychology and sociology classes. The books the district currently uses haven't been updated since the 1990's. Some students and their parents are helping evaluate possible textbooks.