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The Slice: Very soon, they’ll live among us

There's flouride written all over it.
 (The Spokesman-Review)

Science fiction has us surrounded.

First, one of the “Star Trek” sagas featured our first contact with beings from another world taking place in Montana.

Then, this summer, the TV series “The 4400” showed Earthlings who had been abducted by aliens being returned to a spot outside Seattle.

Well, what’s between Montana and Seattle?

Right. So isn’t it all but inevitable that the Spokane area will eventually play a key role in some sci-fi thriller? You bet.

But not willing to just sit back and wait, The Slice has a few ideas.

“The Aliens Among Us.” Visitors from another galaxy take human form and move to Spokane. But their free-spending ways and well-reasoned letters to the editor soon give them away.

“I Married a Martian.” Coeur d’Alene woman suspects that her husband is not of this world when she catches him loading the dishwasher without being asked.

“The Wheat Field.” Mysterious crop circles are blamed on a parking garage and fluoride.

“I Was a Teenage Spokanoid.” A family from the planet Calforall take up residence in Spokane and soon the adolescent female starts arguing with her parental units about clothes.

“Night of the Living Yard Sale.” A bargain chest of drawers turns out to contain Expo ‘74 souvenirs and some unusual pods.

“Invasion of the Lake Snatchers.” Intergalactic water-thievery and one really nasty beach-access debate.

“Readin’ between the lines: Pam Pierson noticed a homemade sign at the entrance to a park campground in Idaho. It said, “Baker-Conn Weddin’ ” and was held up by a stick.

Pierson looked at her husband and said, “Any question as to the appropriate attire for that event?”

I’m guessin’ casual.

“Looking back on youth: Dawn Turcotte’s baby daughter, Mystery, was playing with some toys on a blanket. Her brothers, 10-year-old Tommy and 8-year-old Anthony, watched.

After a bit, a wistful Tommy asked Anthony, “Don’t you wish you could be a kid again?”

“Re: Last Thursday’s Slice: Readers had several ideas about how the couple having their 13th anniversary on Friday the 13th should celebrate.

“Kevin should buy a dozen rabbits,” wrote Judy Cocking. “The couple would then have 48 rabbit’s feet to bring them good luck.”

Mary Ann West suggested 13 cards to be presented at various times throughout the day.

Naomi Hall and daughter Christina came up with a creative list of thirteen-themed gifts and remembrances.

And Katherine Chew recommended going over to the 13 Coins restaurant in Seattle.

But the Weather Channel flying disc goes to Kellogg’s Janet Lake for her suggestion that the couple have dinner in Wallace at the 1313 Club.

“Today’s Slice question: What would you like to have people say about you behind your back?

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