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Huckleberries: Doughnut delivery almost derailed by gang of ‘thugs’
You may have read Wednesday here that Hauser blogger Frum Helen Back surprised CPD Blue by taking them fresh doughnuts from Davis Donuts. She got the idea from reading an exchange between police Sgt. Christie Wood and Huckleberries Online regular TUBOB. But there’s more to the story. Seems FHB (aka D.J. Nall) and her youngest granddaughter, “Princess Abby,” were enjoying an ice cream at Baskin-Robbins when Grandma suggested that they treat the local gendarmes to some doughnuts. After all, Davis Donuts was a stone’s throw away. But no one seemed to know where the cop station was. E-mails Helen, “Only one in the 10 people we asked knew where the police station was.” (Hint: It’s somewhere by the solid waste transfer station.) Helen and Princess Abby were startled when they arrived at the cop shop. Some 20 or so “thugs” – Helen’s word, not Huckleberries – were waiting in front of the doors. Fearing that the “thugs” would yell something at her granddaughter, Helen rousted a gendarme in a parked car to take her box of doughnuts to Sgt. Wood. At least, she thought he was a policeman. He wasn’t wearing a uniform. She was relieved when the stranger confirmed he was a cop, indeed. But not from Coeur d’Alene. He was there for a training class. As were the rest of the “thugs.” As Helen and Princess Abby left the parking lot, the Hauser Lake blogger noticed that there were police cars from all over North Idaho parked in the CPD Blue lot. “Obviously,” concluded Frum Helen Back, “I watch too much ‘Court TV’ at night.”