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Scare tactic despicable

The Spokesman-Review

Wow! Cal Thomas’ column of Tuesday, Aug. 11, is a perfect example of the “misinformation” noted in your headline of the same date (“President … to stanch ‘misinformation’).

Mr. Thomas’ preposterous assertion that those of us supporting health care reform believe human life merely “crawled out of the slime” with no “special significance” would be LOL funny if it wasn’t so dangerous and really despicable. One of the tactics of the radical right is making claims so blatantly untrue that a reasonable person hardly knows where to start in refuting them.

Health care reform doesn’t mean rationed care or euthanasia for the elderly. How many times will they repeat those lies? And if you want to bring God into the discussion, I remember one of Jesus’ strongest admonitions was to care for the sick and needy. Reforming health care can help us heed his words better.

Please don’t believe these fear-mongering extremists. They have their own agenda and it’s not about the common good. Mr. Thomas should be ashamed of himself.

Teri Maurice


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