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Doctor supply not the issue

The Spokesman-Review

Cal Thomas states British health care “requires long waits” (Aug. 18) and Mary Ellan Moe (Letters) asks, “When we suddenly move the umbrella to cover 40 million, where are the instantaneous doctors? Doesn’t that mean longer waits for everyone?”

We already have longer waits in the ER even for folks with health insurance. Several years ago, my 93-year-old father had to wait six hours to be seen by a doctor in a local ER even with adequate medical coverage. The hospital was short-staffed because they cut staff to save money, not because there’s a shortage of medical caregivers. Many hospitals now are profit-driven as are private health insurance companies.

Conservatives who use scare tactics like Cal Thomas’ reference to our government being like Hitler are so far-fetched. It is the private health insurance companies that determine who will get health care and how much. They approve care only if the “patient is deemed ‘worthy of the investment.’ ”

The public option will help reform health care by offering an opportunity for all Americans to have coverage. It is the humane way to provide preventative health care for all.

Inga Boyles


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