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Ignore tort alarmists

The Spokesman-Review

Are torts the cause of runaway health care cost? Not even close! Tort reform would limit the amount a court could award an injured party in a medical malpractice case.

“Torts,” or malpractice claim damages, if and when deemed valid by a court of law, are paid by insurance companies! Now, tort reformist shills tell you that if hard dollar figure limits for suffering, misery and even death are placed on all valid court-awarded damage claims (a multibillion-dollar windfall for insurance companies), these insurers will “do the right thing” and lower the high cost of their insurance to the doctors (LOL). And, theoretically, health care providers in turn would lower care cost to you.

In 2003 the state of Mississippi passed tort reform, and insurance companies raised insurance cost to all care providers by 20 percent. Nevada passed tort reform and health care providers have not seen any reduction in insurance cost.

The bottom line on all of this rhetoric and factual misrepresentation is to keep all money in the bank accounts of these insurance companies, period. For real reform, cut all the for-profit corporate middlemen out of our entire health care system.

J. Earl Gibbs


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