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Czarist reach alarming

The Spokesman-Review

Czar: Any person exercising great authority or power.

At last count, I heard President Obama has 36 czars. Sen. Byrd of West Virginia, the granddaddy Democrat, has written Obama a letter saying these czars violate the constitutional system of checks and balances and the constitutional separation of powers and that it is a clear attempt to evade congressional oversight.

Czar Kenneth Feinberg has authority to set the pay of executives at any company receiving government money. Remember, some companies have been forced to receive bailouts whether they want them or not. Their attempt to pay the money back has been rebuffed.

We who do not live at the income level of billionaires are apt to think, “Those guys deserve punishment from the government.” But, Obama may not stop there. Whoever the government “helps” it controls. This has always been so. What an easy way to squeeze businesses of all kinds, to make them dependent upon the government or force them to close their doors. Someday it might be your business.

Luella Dow


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