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Palin reports off base

The Spokesman-Review

As Sarah Palin leaves the Inland Northwest, voters must face the possibility that she could be the 45th president of the United States. In order to assess her qualifications, voters need accurate information.

Since Sen. John McCain introduced Sarah Palin to the nation last summer, Palin has been under the most vicious media attack that any potential president has ever faced. Let me point out some of the outright lies that some of you may believe.

Palin supported Pat Buchanan (wrong), Palin was once a member of the Alaska Independent Party (no), she is a biblical literalist who believed that dinosaurs roamed the planet several thousand years ago (wrong), she wants to teach creationism in schools (no), she wanted to ban books (wrong), claimed she was able to see Russia from her house (Tina Fey), faked the pregnancy of her Down syndrome child (outrageous), slept with a business associate of her husband (wrong), thought the Iraq war was a mission from God (no) and, finally, didn’t know Africa was a continent (wrong).

Put aside your emotional reaction to Palin and make an informed decision based on facts.

Stephen Taylor

Spokane Valley

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