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Police comment on point

The Spokesman-Review

Recently I wrote a letter to you and to columnist Doug Clark expressing my displeasure with his (Mr. Clark’s) seemingly biased reporting of the nefarious actions of local police and others. I do believe that a reporter has the responsibility of reporting the news or commenting about people in the news fairly. Mr. Clark does a good and necessary job of reporting on the disgraceful actions of a few that occur from time to time, while failing to mention commendable, sometimes heroic actions (that occur now and then) of truly dedicated professional police officers.

This morning (Dec. 12) I read Mr. Jeff Holy’s excellent guest opinion, “Police officers deserve credit.” After 30 years in law enforcement I found the article to be extremely accurate and insightful. His tribute to Tim Brenton, Greg Richards, Ronald Owens, Tina Griswold and Mark Renninger was, in my opinion, extremely accurate.

Thank you, Jeff Holy.

Chuck Weathers

Nine Mile Falls

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