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Youth unit’s agenda full

The Spokesman-Review

I am writing regarding the Dec. 17 article about possible closing of the Spokane Regional Youth Department. If City Councilman Bob Apple is unaware of anything that the youth department does besides handing out awards, perhaps this might illuminate him. Perhaps he should actually look for youth department projects.

The Chase Youth Awards are something we do, but that’s not all we do. Currently, we work with people from Spokane Public Schools to take action against bullying and harassment, a campaign I work hard for. We are also working on dropout prevention. Our youth issues forum lets youth ask potential community leaders questions that are on the mind of our youth.

The problem isn’t a lack of action from the youth department; it’s that the doubters haven’t looked farther than their own noses for evidence that the youth department is useful. The youth department helps youth have a part in their community and feel valued.

What better use can you think of for money, considering that youth are our future? The youth department should be closed only when City Hall itself is about to be closed.

Alexandra Wolfson

Chase Youth Commission


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