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Distorted beyond belief

The Spokesman-Review

Seriously, how could Marcia Girnus’ letter to the editor (“Neither faith nor values,” Dec. 19) have misconstrued, belied and bent and fused Donald Clegg’s hypothetical analysis to a posed question: “What would be the characteristics of a God you could/would believe in?”

Plus, talking about conflation, she combined two variant thoughts into one text when:

•Don was applying volition, the free-will action of expression.

•He is not spiritually deprived, because he practices humanitarianism; spirituality can be achieved not only through “God.”

•Illogical, the opposite value of “logical” (and not possible in accordance with the definition of faith), cannot be transcended applying legal mathematics, therefore, making her view self-defeating.

•He’s imprisoned when applying “free” will?

•He’s not brilliant (like Steve Massey) in the contribution of his column and with no absolute clarification? So then, how could Marcia respond to Don’s column unless she understood that his column had to be brilliant and clear? Otherwise, she (facetiously speaking) could not have contributed to this reasoning.

If she reads this, I, too, will be in the ranks of over-inflated egos. However, keep in mind, it takes a person with an over-inflated ego to recognize another with an over-inflated ego. I don’t mind.

David J. Rosenbeck

Medical Lake

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