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Levy, bond offer value

The Spokesman-Review

Do you value music, debate, sports, arts, student support and educational support? Do you value safe facilities, current technology, a school system recognized and awarded for its financial stewardship and accountability?

Do you value a school system that continues to receive multiple national and state awards for its educational excellence? Do you value students who graduate with skills and competencies to enter the competitive worlds of work and higher education? Do you value recognition of the local economic impact from the bond and levy? Do you know that $300 million-plus will directly boost the local economy over the next six years during this second phase of the comprehensive 25-year capital plan for the bond? And $185 million will continue to directly support the local economy over the next three years for the learning levy. Do you value receiving all of these programs, projects and services and these greater community benefits at or below yesterday’s property tax rates?

If you, like me, do value these, please join me in continuing the current support of Spokane Public Schools by voting yes for the construction and improvement bond and yes for the educational levy by March 10.

Susan Legel

Co-chairwoman, Citizens for Spokane Schools


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