At a disadvantage
The editorial “Ambiguous proposal” (Feb. 6) seems to have been written by someone who has a biased interest in the construction trades, is a spokesperson for the builders association and/or lacks knowledge of the facts.
For years the Building Industry Association of Washington has attempted to protect builders who do shoddy work with gigantic political campaign contributions. Consumers do not, as you suggested, have fair and equitable recourse when shoddy work is done or a contract is not fulfilled. It is difficult and very expensive to try to get shoddy work corrected.
We need laws that put consumers on a level playing field with the builder and give the consumer the same right to file a lawsuit as exists in all other areas of commerce. In a democracy the courts decide (1) whether to throw a lawsuit out, (2) who is right and who is wrong, (3) who pays attorney fees and court costs and (4) whether damages are awarded.
There would be less shoddy work and no flood of lawsuits if contractors knew that the homeowner could file suit. The BIAW would lose some dues-paying members, but Washington would be rid of the shoddy contractors.
Larry Karlson Sr.