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Levy request not justified
I always voted positive for school even though I have firsthand knowledge of their inexcusable massive waste. The new architecture is deluxe beyond practicality; expensive books are replaced needlessly just for minor changes because the money is there. For 26 years, I sat through spring faculty meetings where instructors were told to spend their remaining budget or the money would be transferred to someone who would. The administration’s way to prove necessary increases for the next biennium employing the NEA’s tactics, professional beggars trained to threaten the public and deceive the Legislature.
I will vote no, backing the elderly on fixed income, the jobless and soon to be jobless. Asking for a levy in these troubled times demonstrates how narrow-minded and self satisfying educators can be instead of demonstrating innovation as business must do to survive successfully.
The worst K-12 school in Spokane would make a palace out of the best K-12 building I ever attended, but at least mine had Christmas, Easter, taught Christian morals, was not afraid to proclaim “so help me God” or flunk underachieving students. Money alone won’t fix our failing schools.
Bert A. Overland