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Mess awaited Obama

The Spokesman-Review

This letter is in response to Caleb A. Cox’s Feb. 18 letter, “Voters wrought massive mistake.” What the conservative Republicans fail to acknowledge or admit is that for the last eight years, the Bush administration did nothing but run up the deficit.

I just finished reading the book “What Happened” by Scott McClellan, who was a Bush loyalist and former press secretary until he resigned as he had to lie to protect Rove and Scooter Libby pertaining to the leak of the CIA covert’s name. His conclusion was had the Bush administration (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and Rove) been more honest with the American people and recanted the war in Iraq instead of going ahead (but Bush felt if he did just that he would be considered a weak person), they could have saved $10 billion a month, and then we wouldn’t be in as much a mess as we are today.

President Obama inherited this whole mess, I feel that we had to try and do something, or would Mr. Cox like to see the country go deeper in failure? Give him a chance.

Barb Beck


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