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Pickup decision irresponsible

The Spokesman-Review

I am outraged that items left at the curb were incinerated not recycled (“Storms put curbside recycling on hold,” Jan. 17).

Many people recycle because it is the right thing to do, and we are billed monthly for these specific recycling services. The decision to incinerate recyclables was not made by some worker at curbside, but by a decision-making authority well in advance.

Individuals making decisions regarding our planet need to act more responsibly. I understand that road conditions made recycling services difficult; however, wouldn’t it have been more responsible to forgo recycling pickup until conditions improved, rather than throwing out items that were valuable resources?

If I had known that the items would be taken to the waste-to-energy plant and not be recycled, I would have held them until they could be disposed of properly. Will the city be issuing credits to our bill for not providing the service we pay for?

Al Barrett


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