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Leash needed on N. Korea

The Spokesman-Review

The North Korean ballistic-nuclear test blasts on July 4 triggered international condemnation, most momentously from Korea’s historical allies, China and Russia.

The U.N. Security Council states: The tests constitute a clear violation of a 2006 U.N. resolution barring the communist state from exploding a nuclear weapon.

President Barack Obama accused North Korea of “blatant violation of international law.”

“Such provocations will only serve to deepen North Korea’s isolation.”

What this means to eastern Asia is a less stable and potentially vicious destiny for South Korea, Japan, China and even Russia. Multinational talks including North Korea must commence to make this threat wane and bring forth a safer east Asian portion of the world.

If necessary, a U.N. resolution should be drafted to quarantine North Korean waters, blocking transportation of nuclear material from North Korea. This will not be completely sufficient, but the North Korean government will not be able to sell or transport nuclear material to other groups or nations.

In the course of world freedom, it becomes essential to change the course of those who choose to bring misery and death and bring them to the brighter shores of virtue and dignity for all.

Dennis Pasquale


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