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More than potential
I challenge Allan Delaubenfels’ contribution (Letters, June 3) and Kathleen Parker’s column, “Zealots overshadow GOP,” June 4.
DeLaubenfels calls the unborn “potential” people, unworthy of legal rights. Has he witnessed a “living, breathing, responsible” baby who recognizes music that was played before the “potential” child was born? He has never felt an unborn child startle at a loud clap of thunder? I have. The miracle of ultrasound shows babies sucking their fingers before they become “people.”
Kathleen Parker, in her “Zealots” column, insults Alan Keyes, calling him a “carnival performer” for his protest of President Obama’s appearance at Notre Dame’s commencement because of Obama’s stand on abortion.
Parker praises Democrats for having a “moderating voice.” I presume she speaks of Bill Ayers, former terrorist, now college professor, who has said, “I wish I’d bombed more.”
Yes, DeLaubenfels, babies still tethered to their mother’s womb are people. And, Parker, the killing of a baby is just as wrong as the killing of a man. How many “potential” babies did Dr. Tiller kill before he was gunned down by another killer?
Luella Dow