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Go fish, or not

The Spokesman-Review

So PETA is protesting throwing fish at Pike Place Market and other venues because it’s disrespectful to their dead bodies? Right! PETA further stated that even catching fish was cruel since they die a horrible death. If that’s true, all of us who eat fish are guilty by association.

This is a real moral dilemma for us fish-on-Friday, cradle Catholics. Not only did Jesus instruct his disciples to toss nets on the other side of the boat for a bigger catch, but He also multiplied the loaves and fishes for 5,000 of his hungry followers. The Bible doesn’t record whether the disciple threw the fish to the faithful.

If PETA’s correct, then Jesus is cruel and immoral and therefore can’t be the true Messiah and Son of the God who, of course, created the fish in the first place. Therefore, it follows that to be pro-PETA, one would have to be anti-Jesus! Now that oughta cause consternation among religious scholars.

So I need to rethink this myself. When I’m tempted to pull on those hip waders, repair that fly or take a bite out of that Ionic Fish Burrito, I need to ask myself WWJD, i.e., What would Jesus do?

Mac McCandless


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