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Senators forgot constituents

The Spokesman-Review

Shame on Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell for voting for and supporting this so-called stimulus. I remember them saying, “This is all about Main Street – not Wall Street.” Is that so?

Giving these pathetic banks and insurance companies that are “too big to fail” billions so they can pay out their multibillion-dollar bonuses is about Main Street? Too big to fail?

What the senators are really saying to the little people is, “You’re too small to save.” Both senators supported bailing out auto manufacturers in the state of Michigan so they can continue producing a product that loses $4,000 per unit coming off their assembly line. Absolutely insane!

Now the talk is we’re going to get $15 per paycheck off – wow! The responsible constituents get the crumbs and the incompetent, irresponsible elite get the loaf.

It’s very clear to me by their actions whom these two senators represent, and it’s not the people and businesses of Washington state. The next election when they need votes, perhaps they’re counting on getting them from their friends in Michigan and New York.

Pete Caruso


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