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Value people over buildings

The Spokesman-Review

It really is about priorities. Spokane recently approved $1 million for human service funding for our most vulnerable citizens, a mere 1 percent of the budget. Had they doubled that commitment to 2 percent; all agencies asking for funding would have received allocations. Yet, they are asking for $18 million for some new buildings.

I find it ironic and unconscionable that the city sees no problem in asking citizens to foot $11 million for an “evidence room,” $4 million for an animal shelter, $2 million for a court, and a half-million for a shooting range. So, we’ll spend $4 million for animals, and don’t even allow our homeless in a shelter until it hits 15 degrees.

What else could $18 million buy? A year of $500-per-month rent support for 3,000 households. Now that’s a bond measure I could support. Please join me in voting a resounding no on Prop. 1 on March 10. It’s time we preserve justice by supporting the vulnerable and protect people.

Louise Chadez


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