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Weary of Obama refrain

The Spokesman-Review

On our fireplace mantle is the bobble head Obama Doll our son gave us a month before the election. Infrequently, over the winter as the fire warmed up, his brave little voice would exclaim, “Yes we can!” It would scare my dogs and was a little unnerving to us at first. When this happened I was almost sympathetic to what Republicans might be feeling.

Now some mechanism in his tiny, tinny throat is wearing out and his voice rings out a dozen times a day. It has become a mantra for the biggest deficit spending binge by any country in the history of mankind. And all Obama can offer is cutting this deficit spending to about a half-trillion a year far out into the foreseeable future.

There may be a reason to blow the budget one time to correct the ghastly economic failures of the Bush administration, but after this orgy we must rapidly bring deficit spending into balance or I might find myself among a new political realignment crying, “No we can’t!”

William Betz

Newport, Wash.

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