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Gun rights unambiguous

The Spokesman-Review

“Misinformation pandemic,” the title of Gary Crooks’ column (May 6), seems appropriate for the anti-gun propaganda that’s propagated by our regional liberal extremists.

Pete Scobby (Letters, May 6), in his monthly, anti-Republican Party rant, says, “Republicans hold up the Constitution when they want to buy a machine gun.” Actually, machine guns were banned in the U.S. by the National Firearms Act way back in 1934.

Some time back, Mildred Stoeser made the wild-eyed claim that the NRA wants everyone to own an “AK-47.” Stoeser’s statement has no basis in fact.

Finally, Joan Harman’s letters show her total ignorance about firearms, liberty and the Second Amendment.

I’ve got a question for Scobby, Stoeser, Harman and the Democratic Party: What part of “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” don’t you understand?

Curtis E. Stone


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