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Adoption is a gift
I was saddened to read the many negative words the birth mothers used to describe themselves in “Forgotten moms” (May 9).
To all of the birth moms who were brave enough and unselfish enough and wise enough to choose adoption for their baby, please never feel guilt or shame for your decision. Sadness, anguish and loss are very understandable and must be terrible to endure as part of your sacrifice.
As the grandmother of an adopted child, I want to assure you that your child has brought an immeasurable amount of joy and love to a family who wanted a child and who, without you, could not have had one. You are never forgotten. The adoptive parents and grandparents think of you daily and are very thankful and grateful to you. You should feel proud of yourselves.
With the advent of “open adoption,” the birth mother should have the option of choosing how much contact she and the adoptive family wish to have. In our case, there is open communication with the birth mom, and she has become a part of our family. A child cannot have too many people who love them.
Barbara Heskett
Spokane Valley