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Social Security vital to many

The Spokesman-Review

The letter to the editor by Duane Schofield (“Date with accountability near,” May 14) begs for a reply.

We had better hope there is no end to Social Security. Half of all those receiving Social Security live on these monies entirely.

What you are suggesting would result in mass hysteria. With no money coming in, they would either starve to death or they would have to be warehoused.

I am 82 in June of this year and can remember the family talking about old poor people going to the poorhouse.

I am sure that you realize that what you said was out of line.

In case you didn’t know: The Congress borrowed $180.2 billion from the trust fund in 2008. That is $3,540.31 per trust-fund beneficiary.

The total borrowed from the trust fund is $233 trillion since 1968, and the Congress refuses to use future surpluses to repay this debt.

In fact, they said there are no plans to repay these so-called loans.

Paul Town


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