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Let good law stand
Congratulations to Gov. Gregoire and the true Americans in Washington’s Legislature for passing the recent domestic partners legislation into law. Of course, thanks to conservative ideologues, the battle for justice is not over. They will attempt to overturn the law and reinstate inequality.
This will be done with the usual inaccuracies and lies. Rep. Matt Shea is quoted in Tuesday’s Spokesman-Review repeating many of them:
•Our nation was founded to promote heterosexual marriage (funny, I don’t find that anywhere in the Constitution) for the purpose of procreation (there’s no law requiring married couples to have children, and there are millions of children in this country with same-sex parents).
•It’s better for children to have a father and a mother (Good, perhaps, but not better. All credible studies show that children of same-sex parents are just as likely to be healthy, happy and well adjusted as those of hetero parents).
Hopefully, Washington citizens will remember that we’re tired of the sort of intolerance and injustice championed by Republicans and conservatives and leave a good law alone.
Ken Scott
Spokane Valley