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The Slice: Apparently he has a devil of a time spelling
Lisa Paolino’s 8-year-old son was doing homework and wrote that a turtle has “ashell.” His parents noted that he needed to put in a space and make it two words.
“Good thing we checked it again,” said Paolino.
The boy’s correction read “as hell.”
•The weirdest juxtaposition of audiences outside the Knitting Factory and Fox: That just might have taken place on the night earlier this month when Insane Clown Posse knockoffs were at the former venue and the Spokane Symphony was performing a music of Disney program across the street.
“That was a confluence of culture that will never be repeated, I am afraid,” said Geoff Forshag.
•Just wondering: Does the smell of fresh-cut grass make you picture the future or think about the past?
•What people learned from getting involved in their neighborhood associations, good-looking softball teams and Judy Camp: Several readers said they learned that one exhausting gasbag can ruin everything.
The Slice has received a couple of photos of good-looking softball teams, but these pictures would not print well as small photos. Up close and sharp focus is what I need.
And Linda Elkin saw the question about the youngest person you know named Judy. She noted that her mom, 70-year-old Judy Camp, might qualify. She sent an old photo of her mom in a bikini that Judy had made herself. She also sent a current picture.
Judy looked great then, and she looks great now. I wonder if she’s on a softball team.
•The surest sign that someone doesn’t know what Memorial Day is all about: “When the merchants fill the Spokesman with holiday sale ads,” wrote Dave Wolfe.
Hey, hey, let’s try to remember who butters our bread here.
“They go camping,” wrote Mary Dorsey.
Actually, many would argue that outdoor recreation has become an accepted tradition on this long weekend. But it’s nice when people remember that the name of the holiday refers to our intention to honor this nation’s war dead.
Last weekend, Carol Voogd was talking with some people about parades. Recalling growing up in the Midwest, she noted that the Memorial Day parade in her hometown always signaled that summer was about to arrive.
“More than one person asked me why we would have a parade on Memorial Day,” she wrote.
•Today’s Slice questions: Do people give you gifts that adhere to a certain theme? How did that get started?