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‘Scrooges’ won

The Spokesman-Review

On the last Saturday of August 2009, the Rocket Market had to end its 10-year gift of live music concerts.

The sign outside the Rocket now reads: “We lost.”


Out of the hundreds of people of all ages who loved the gorgeous “wooden music” presented outside on Tuesday and Saturday nights, the same “summer Scrooges” could be counted on to keep calling and calling and calling, to complain about “the noise.”

The blessed musicians and kind Rocket folk monitored sound, and turned speakers in, toward the crowd, who hunkered down to enjoy luscious music. During sets, mammoth trucks and boom-boom cars lumbered past, unmuffled and joyous, tolerated by everyone on stage. Under amethyst skies and always in good company, Rocket fans have savored the melodies of this city’s finest artists for a decade.

Was the music abruptly stopped due to an obscure code violation?

If so, the “law” needs to be adjusted and changed at once

Fall is drifting in. Hot August nights shouldn’t be silenced forever!

Barbara Ellen Baldwin


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