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Foes’ comments suspicious

The Spokesman-Review

I suspect the handful of residents opposed to moving Jefferson Elementary are not so much appalled about supposed violations of the Growth Management Act, traffic increases, air pollution, loss of green space and trees as they are that District 81 would dare build a new school near their homes.

The options make it clear that renovating the existing school is least desirable in cost, safety and the effect on children. Impact on traffic is a simple shift farther down an already busy arterial.

Hart Field is not a park. The “green space” is in reality a dirt field for parking during soccer. The pines will be cut no matter where the new Jefferson is located.

It’s easily argued that an elementary school is completely in keeping with the character and lifestyle of an established residential neighborhood. We’re not talking about a strip mall.

If the school is moved, it will be visible from my house. I don’t believe there is “lack of transparency and outright misleading of the public by District 81” (“District holds out on public,” Letters, April 10). I do believe those opposed to moving the school are disingenuous about their reasons. They should replace their yard signs with some that read “Not in My Backyard!”

William Nye


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