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The party’s over

The Spokesman-Review

The Democratic Party has liberals, moderates and conservatives as members of their party and they seldom agree on many issues. That is why it seems so little gets done. But when they finally agree, it is usually a middle-of-the-road compromise.

The Republican Party has chased away most of the liberal and moderate members of their party because they do not pass the litmus tests that they have created to be a Republican, leaving only the fringe members of the conservative movement in its ranks.

So how do they enlarge their membership roles? They are trying to woo those who consider themselves to be a part of the tea party movement. Many in the political world would consider those who are part of the tea party movement so far right that they have not only fallen off the right field baseball fence but are not even in the ballgame. Which makes us beg the question: Do we really need the Republican Party?

Lawrence Schuchart


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