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First line of defense

The Spokesman-Review

During recent meetings with Spokane’s new “police ombudsman,” Tim Burns, I witnessed an astonishing performance of the most implacable “cool” I’ve ever seen.

For two hours, frustrated and angry citizens peppered Mr. Burns with pointed questions and withering criticism. I see how Mayor Verner considers retired officer Burns worth his $100,000 salary. He’s SPD’s new public relations “flack” (someone whose job is to absorb and deflect), a stonewall – with lots of padding.

“Ombudsman” Burns’ role, clearly, is not to provide potent oversight over Spokane’s police. His fundamental role is to absorb flak from Spokane’s citizens – frustrated after 30 years work – struggling to bring badly needed accountability to Spokane’s police forces.

Asked, “What would it take – how many unwarranted murders – for you to press for unfettered investigative authority?” Burns answered he does not need, or want, independent authority to investigate alleged police misconduct. What?!

How many civil rights violations, murders, cover-ups will it take for Spokane’s mayor and City Council to install an effective ombudsman who serves us – unarmed citizens – not just our well-armed, well-defended police?

The “Office of Police Ombudsman” is $100,000 of budgetary window dressing. Citizens are neither served nor protected. They’ve been “had.” Trust? Broken.

Dan Treecraft


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