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One voice of reason

After reading the endorsement by The Spokesman-Review of Al French, I laughed out loud. It occurred to me that Al French is ghostwriting more than just letters for his friends.

Bonnie Mager is the only one who chose to protect our tax dollars by voting “no” to that money pit of a racetrack.

Over the years, I have observed Bonnie in several of her community leadership roles, both before and after she became county commissioner. In all of those, I have been astounded at the consistency of her extensive expertise, clear discernment of the issues, excellent judgment and compassion of heart. She demonstrates, in her decisions, the most fiscally conservative behavior of the three commissioners, while being the greatest advocate for us as her constituents, especially for those who need her most. Bonnie works with immense energy in her commitment to these values. She has my vote.

Cheryl Miller-Arndt


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Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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