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Scrutinize political attacks

Once there was an unsuccessful political attempt to manipulate my vote: Make Chris Marr look bad by spouting out misleading statements. Example: “He’s a multimillionaire.” Golly gee! I don’t know if he is or isn’t, but it’s irrelevant.

And then there was, “He’s been collecting money from a special interest group.” Clearly, I’m supposed to think, “Wow! That’s dishonest. I’d better not vote for him.” But a check with the state Public Disclosure Commission shows that the opponent making the charge also collects money from groups – up to the $800 maximum allowed by state law. Hmm … I know it would take more than $800 to buy me. And how else is a campaign to be funded other than by accepting contributions?

Voters, beware! We can be easily manipulated. The technique is simple. Say something such as, “The sky is blue,” in a derogatory manner enough times and you’ll have people believing that a blue sky is bad.

As a Montessori teacher I know that Chris Marr has worked tirelessly to improve early childhood education, and I resent his opponent’s feeble attempts to twist the facts.

Elizabeth White


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