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Medieval times

Franklin the Devious said one thing and did another, while his programs extended the Great Depression. Harry the Honorable halted the spread of Communism after World War II, while Dwight the Mediocre did nothing memorable.

John the Amoral was responsible for the Bay of Pigs, after whom Lyndon the Dishonest played Congress like a harp to engage in Vietnam. Lyndon gave up, whereupon Richard the Untrusting, although as honest as Lyndon, left in disgrace, passing the mantle to Gerald the Unelected.

Jimmy the Incompetent gave away the Panama Canal and made Iran safe for the ayatollahs. Four long years later, Ronald the Magnificent corrected some of Jimmy’s mistakes and won the Cold War. George the Inept compromised with the Democrats and so lost to William the Deceitful and his wife, Hillary the Power Seeker, resulting in eight years of Arkansas politics at the national level.

George the Lesser presided when Newt the Twit broke the Contract with America. Unable to explain a necessary war for the right reasons, he left us with Barack the (Socialist) Moor ruling with the help of Michelle the Imperious.

George A. Bratina


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