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Season for sharing

The Tree of Sharing agrees with your editorial of Nov. 28, “Compassion for needy a hallmark of our region.”

One charity that was overlooked is the 28-year-old, totally volunteer-staffed Tree of Sharing. This year almost 7,000 members of our community, represented by 57 agencies, will receive a gift at Christmas time. Tree of Sharing serves everyone from a 102-year-old lady who requested a bathrobe to a blanket for a newborn. The total economic value this year will be close to $200,000, and over the last decade exceeded $2 million.

This year’s project will require 3,400 hours of volunteer time. Even more important are the thousands of Spokanites who quietly pick up a gift request tag at one of the Tree of Sharing tables at each of the three major malls. They will go and purchase a gift which they return to the Tree of Sharing table who distributes the gift to the designated agency. Then the donors go quietly home and celebrate Christmas with their family, having done the right thing.

We repeat your cliche: “Those who give get so much in return.” Their return is priceless.

Jon Louis

Tree of Sharing coordinator Spokane

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