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Courts overweight
Our government is made up of three branches of government – executive, legislative and judicial. This clock ran smoothly for many years, but now the pendulum has swung too far to one side and stopped. The problem is the judicial arm of the government is broken.
The law profession has turned our society into the most litigious nation in the world. No one wants to be responsible for their own actions. Call a lawyer; somebody has to pay. He comes up with a solution and I’ll be rich. Even after I make them rich. Only ones who win cash-cow class action lawsuits are attorneys. They changed the divorce laws to marriage dissolution and created another cash cow for themselves at the expense of fractured families.
Saddest of all is we have confessed killers sitting on Death Row for years while attorneys milk another cash cow till it’s dry decades later, one appeal after another.
We are swamped with legalese and the only beneficiaries are attorneys. It’s time to take off justice’s blindfold and balance her scale.
James A. Nelson