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Government not supreme
In the Dec. 1 letter to the editor “Moral claims flout law,” the writer makes the claim that since government has deemed the medication safe and legal the pharmacies and individuals should distribute it.
Government is not, nor should it be, the ultimate arbiter of morality or science. Government has often exposed and promoted substances to the citizenry that were known or later determined to be toxins and or carcinogens, such as when military personnel were exposed to radiation.
Many laws have been passed only to be overturned later because they were morally flawed, such as slavery.
Individuals should not confuse government endorsement of a position and/or item as the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong or healthy or harmful. Government is manned by people, and people have agendas. Blind belief in any entity or person is unwise.
By the way, the morning-after pill does not prevent pregnancies, it ends them, according to the FDA website.
Tony Caruso