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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Recession missed Avista

It is unbelievable that Avista is increasing its rates despite their profit this year and the Utilities Commission agreeing with them. Here our state and city are experiencing huge budget crises, police are being laid off, the state workers have to take an unpaid day off every month, plus the possibility of another and the possibility of a 5 percent pay cut.

Avista needs to upgrade, have the Avista employees take a pay cut or unpaid days off. It would be compassionate of them to work with the customers and give them a break during this economic crisis time, come together with the community for right now, forgo the administrative bonuses.

I can almost guarantee that the community would have a great deal of respect for Avista.

I believe we will make it through this economic crisis but EVERYONE is contributing except for Avista. They offer rebates for housing improvements but who can afford them? Merry Christmas, Avista officials, now take that corporate jet to Hawaii or Mexico to keep warm.

Peggie Boothe


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