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The Slice: Did you get a word in edgewise?

There’s at least one reason why you should like today’s multiple-choice quiz.

There are no wrong answers.

OK, let’s go.

1. Last Friday, when Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was engaging in his talking marathon at the nation’s capital, how many people around here found themselves recalling the time they met him?

A) 20. B) 10. C) 5. D) 4. E) Just me. F) Other.

2. If, like Richard Nixon, practically everything you said at work had been recorded, would public dissemination of transcripts cause you any embarrassment?

A) No, because no one would be interested enough to read them. B) Maybe. But I stand by what I said about voters in the Inland Northwest. C) No, because I am under the ludicrous impression that my various racial/ethnic slurs and half-baked social theories represent mainstream common-sense thinking as opposed to book learnin’. D) I might be asked to explain a couple of candid observations about that one intern. E) No. I seldom say what I really think at work. F) Other.

3. Which expression would you use to describe dark gray skies and extra-grimy snow?

A) Post-apocalyptic. B) Dickensian. C) Soviet bloc. D) Erie, PA 1979. E) Mood appropriate. F) Other.

4. There’s something to be said for forgiveness. And it could be argued that they did come around at the end of the classic Christmas special. But considering how most of the “Peanuts” gang treated Charlie Brown most of the time, how would you have liked to see him react?

A) Shun everyone but Linus. B) Calmly inform Patty and Violet that being mean is unattractive. C) Violence. D) Shrug it off and find new friends. E) Say “Shaming me like this in front of my little sister speaks volumes about the emptiness in your souls.” F) Other.

5. What’s the best reason to watch the 2009 movie “Pirate Radio”?

A) Soundtrack. B) Brief appearance of January Jones. C) Album covers. D) There really isn’t a good reason. E) Scenes of spontaneous dancing. F) Other.

Today’s question: Ever been bitten or scratched by a pet when trying to dress it in a holiday outfit?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail It’s easy to spend a lot of time doing searches and listening to great old stuff on

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