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The Slice: Some reader comments sure to bring a smile
Perhaps my favorite reader remonstrations are the ones that start, “Surely, with all the problems in the world today, you could find something to write about besides … ”
Those little notes always make me smile. With a few tweaks, I could work that into my mission statement.
Let’s move on.
Local news: Years ago, Gayle Barnhouse’s daughter had been watching cartoons for a couple of hours on a weekend morning. Barnhouse informed the little girl that she was going to switch the channel to some news programming.
“When she whined, protested and asked why, I explained that there was a whole world out there, and we needed to know what was happening in that world,” wrote Barnhouse.
The kid thought about this for a moment. Then she proposed an alternative method of staying informed.
“Can’t you just look out the window?”
Next stop: A Slice reader aboard a flight to Seattle recently overheard a fellow passenger ask a woman if she was going to Seattle.
Perhaps the unspoken “As your final destination” was implied. But for a moment a listener could be excused for thinking “Aren’t we all going to Seattle?”
Makes them sound less scary: The Slice heard about a little kid who referred to pit bulls as “pibbles.”
Speaking of animals, another youth didn’t quite grasp one familiar exclaimed expression and so came out with “Hold my cow!”
Slice answers: Dan Miller said he might look great in a speed-skater’s outfit. “Until I got on the ice.”
Others borrowed variations on the classic image of 20 pounds of potatoes in a 10-pound bag.
Warm-up question: If there was spring training in your profession, what sort of things would you work on?
Today’s Slice question: Has the act of calling in a song request to a radio station passed into history?