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Elections going global

The Spokesman-Review

Well, it looks like the Bush boys’ Supremes just sold the U.S. to the highest bidders.

We now have corporate globalization of the U.S. electoral system because a majority of big business, in today’s world, are now owned by foreign entities. You know that old saying, “We have the best politicians money can buy”? It’s now a literal fact.

And by the way, you righty tea partiers are such tools, so easily manipulated by Rush and Fox News. As bad as trained monkeys.

You’re against big government, but big business is OK.

You better think what you’re marching in lock-step for, because sometimes you are cutting your own throat and it’s borderline insanity.

Remember, conservative-pro big business has brought you “made in China” and “unemployed in America.”

Gary Garoutte


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