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Speech freedom for all

The Spokesman-Review

The letter Jan. 22 titled “Narrow view of freedom” should have been “MY narrow view of freedom,” as Dave Barber wishes to protect the First Amendment by castigating the S-R for printing a cartoon by Clay Bennett which he disapproves of. If you disagree with Mr. Barber, your own First Amendment rights be damned.

As for the cartoon, in the last 16 months, Sarah Palin has constantly repeated the same simplistic solutions for complicated issues. The only diversions from her spiel were to blame the McCain campaign, announce that she is a quitter, lie about death panels and to go buy her book for $30 a pop. Can one blame the cartoonist for hitting the mute button?

I may find every cartoon by Michael Ramirez and columns by Cal Thomas and Charles Krauthammer reprehensible, but I wouldn’t criticize the S-R for publishing them as they have the right: freedom of the press and freedom of speech.

Dave Blairs


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