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More needed like Shea

The Spokesman-Review

Lawrence McDonald, “We Hold These Truths” (’76 Press, p. 79), notes that the Supreme Court (United States v. Darby, 1941) “repealed the Tenth Amendment, by saying it ‘states but a truism’ and therefore has no force in giving or withholding power.”

Hmm, a truism that isn’t true, especially if it protects Americans from their own government. Loony liberalism showcased!

Section 1, Article 8 “enumerates” powers. The 10th straight-jackets that list. Indeed, the Constitution locks up all three branches.

Constitutionally, the Supreme Court is the weakest – original jurisdiction in some federal matters its primary function. Read Article 3! The court can’t enforce its rulings; more importantly, it hasn’t authority to “interpret” the document that established it. Letting the court interpret is equal to opening its jail cell. The prisoner, long escaped, became a tyrannical oligarchy. Thanks, liberals.

S-R advocates leaving the 10th issue espoused by Rep. Matt Shea to the courts. They’ll use the same subjectively pragmatic “interpretation” that allows “mothers” to kill unborn children.

Article 8 and 10th Amendment wording is straightforward; no judicial analysis needed. Needed are patriots like Shea brave enough to lead a legitimate fight against federalism gone awry.

Rod Foss


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