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Baumgartner has solutions

The contrasts in the Senate race for the 6th District couldn’t be more apparent. Michael Baumgartner has a B.A. degree in economics and mathematics, plus a master’s in public administration from Harvard. He’s been an economic adviser to Gen. Petraeus, the country of Iraq and a Harvard economics instructor. The incumbent sold cars – and holds a voting record for increased spending and taxes.

Michael believes the key to reversing job loss in Washington is fiscal responsibility, restructuring government spending and reducing taxes on the job-creating engines of our state – small businesses. The incumbent believes in more spending and higher taxes. How do we know that? Votes!

Michael will introduce legislation to undo the governmental regulations that are strangling Washington’s businesses. Chris Marr promoted those regulations – he is part of the problem.

Michael believes in education reform, holding schools accountable for the students they turn out and rewarding the teachers who excel. The incumbent promotes the WEA. They are part of the problem.

“Change” has only gotten worse. Dump Chris Marr before he costs you more money. Right now, you have an opportunity to discover the truth and make a difference in our representation. Vote for Michael Baumgartner.

John Charleston


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