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Reciprocity is the answer

To ensure fairness in immigration laws, how about using the principle of reciprocity? For example, the same legal process and penalties that Mexico would apply to a U.S. citizen who broke Mexican immigration laws could be used by the U.S. in dealing with Mexicans who enter our country illegally. And Iranian or Swiss violators in the United States could be treated the same way U.S. violators of Iranian or Swiss immigration laws would face in their respective nations.

Why shouldn’t illegal aliens face the same situation in our country as our citizens would face in their country? How could any nation call us “inhumane” if we treat their law-breaking citizens the same way they would treat our law-breaking citizens? Fair is fair.

Furthermore, we should challenge any nation who labels us as “racist” because we don’t want open borders to open their own borders and see how that works out for them. Fair is fair.

Pat Finnelly


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