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Chadez ready to go

As I do my “homework” prior to voting Aug. 17, I’m looking for the candidates’ qualifications to effectively do the public service tasks for which we will “hire” the candidate. I discount any candidate whose first year in office would be an on-the-job-training experience.

In my opinion, Louise Chadez, candidate for state representative in the 3rd District, is eminently qualified. Thirty years of professional experience in the trenches, in human services, mental health, substance abuse and child/family/elderly services, qualify Louise. As both case worker and supervisor, Louise knows inside-out Washington’s social service structures and dynamics. She resides in the 3rd District, which has the state’s highest rate of poverty and low-income citizens with their concomitant social service needs.

In my opinion, Louise’s electoral opponents are seriously lacking in actual social service experience and know-how. Their election would be an OJT experiment, to our detriment.

James J. Flynn


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