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Initiative needs more work
Receiving an initiative as an advertising supplement and then having it “explained” by Jim Camden was interesting and different. At first glance it didn’t sound too bad; many of our young people don’t know enough about our government.
A more careful reading reveals that the author has a more political motivation. It is “Endorsed by MANY (but not all) Republican Party Candidates,” it will not “Raise Taxes,” it criticizes judges, and it makes comments about the Constitution in a rather strange manner. It sounds like the author has embarked on the good ship Tea Party without knowing where it came from or where it is going.
Taxes: We are going to increase the workload of teachers, add textual material for students, add standardized tests and add framed copies of the Declaration of Independence, the federal and state constitutions in most of the classrooms in the state. These cost money.
Under God: The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist in 1892 and changed at least six times since. When I learned it, “under God” was not included. Until Dec. 22, 1942, the pledge included a “Nazi salute.”
This initiative needs a LOT of work.
Bryan Bremner
Republic, Wash.