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Kids’ dedication is dramatic

The Spokesman-Review

In response to Wayne Lawson’s letter (June 3), I’m another proud Lewis and Clark High School drama mom, and I only wish “Urinetown” had run more than one weekend so word of mouth could have spread – the place would have been packed.

The play’s story was powerful and thought-provoking, wrapped in entertainment. The letter writer seems to think it was a string of poop jokes, which is absolutely not so.

We have outstanding talent in our high school drama program, from teacher Greg Pschirrer to the many teenagers who knock themselves out.

Day after day, dozens of these students stay hours after school to rehearse, paint sets and prepare. People who lament “kids these days” should see the dedication, work ethic and commitment demonstrated by drama students – and students in every other after-school activity.

Through several levy and bond cycles I have volunteered to tell voters why it is essential that we support our children’s schools with votes and tax dollars.

I am proud to continue doing so, and hope that many voters will take time to attend performances so they can see what incredible things are being accomplished.

If they do, I’m confident they will vote yes.

Barb Chamberlain


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