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Accusations prove slippery

The Spokesman-Review

E.C. Guise’s letter (“Oily GOP hands out,” June 6) stated the Republicans are blaming the Democrats for the Gulf oil disaster.

That was one of two uninformed statements he made.

Many irrational liberals, like Mr. Guise, have blamed Bush and Cheney for the disaster. Let me remind you, the Obama administration recently praised BP for its safety record.

Another uninformed statement by Mr. Guise: “Hannity and O’Reilly assure everyone alternative energy is, of course, not the answer.”

Mr. O’Reilly believes in global warming. He and Hannity have stated on numerous occasions they believe in oil, solar, wind, coal and nuclear energy to allow our nation to depend less on imported oil.

If Mr. Guise would rely less on MSNBC’s Olbermann, O’Donnell and Matthews, he may be better educated on national and world affairs.

I have a question for Mr. Guise. Are his residence and mode of transportation using wind or solar energy?

Gene Scolavino


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